Thursday, August 2, 2007

Understanding the Prerequisite Software

Most of us rip open a new software package, load the disk, and click furiously away at the folder structure. As soon as we find some vague hint that an .msi or .exe file is the setup program, we double-click it and never look back. Just as you blew through the folder tree and missed that one obscure file called readme.htm, you most likely skipped the planning documents that are referenced with BizTalk Server 2004. Who cares? Right?

Well, if you are a new user, that can be a mistake that can cost you hours of lost productivity. Unlike most other software, BizTalk Server is an engine built on a complex platform that requires careful planning and a general understanding of the prerequisite software prior to installing.

To troubleshoot anything, you need a basic understanding of the environment that you are going to work on. The following is a quick overview of the key software pieces that you need to understand:

  • Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Windows SharePoint Services
  • SQL Server 2000
  • Visual Studio .NET
  • Additional software
Source: Luke Nyswonger MSDN Blog

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